It was announced yesterday that Mrs. Jenkins will in fact be the prinicpal to replace Mr. Brandt when he leaves at the end of the school year.
This is such amazing news for the school and its community!
I wish I wasn't so surprised by such news, but this was an unexpected result. Everyone that I have talked to who has been in this district for a long time, (including administrators at other schools) said that the placement of principals seems to be a completely arbitrary and subjective decision by the "powers that be".
Sadly, it was also said by more than one person, that the trend tends to be that they don't like being "told" what to do, and often will not take recommendations into consideration for that very reason. I would think it would be the opposite, that a good leader would look to input from a community.....alas, much of what makes sense to many of us, does not seem to happen when the district makes decisions.
But, surprised or not, I'm thankful that it's a reality. As someone who works at both Germantown and Roxborough, I now have more hope that the transition from the Germantown closure will go more smoothly.
I do believe that an active alumni association, a community that was willing to speak up, and Mr. Brandt's willingness to fully disclose in his official letter that he recommended Mrs. Jenkins made a difference. Sometimes you really have to be enough of a "squeaky wheel" so that decision makers notice, and want to quiet things down. It should have been a easy decision though, simply by seeking the advice of a principal they respect, and following through.
Here's hoping that genuine respect and fair consideration is given in all other school closing/merger situations in the coming weeks.
I would LOVE to be pleasantly surprised by the district all summer long. Positive progress would be a wonderful thing!
Wishing nothing but the best to both Mr. Brandt and Mrs. Jenkins!